StarWars & Super Heroes⎪Bakersfield Child Photographer

My little guy, Bradley is 5 years old and by far the hardest subject I’ve ever attempted photographing. I get a LOT of goofy smiles, karate chops, and retreat. After many attempts of trying to get a perfect portrait of him smiling and being “normal”, I’ve finally come to my senses and remembered why I fell in love with photography. Not for perfection, but to freeze an exact moment. To cherish it years from now.

I love him more than words can express. He’s my oldest baby and he’s starting Kindergarten next week. Favorite colors are Green and Red. Just lost his first tooth a few weeks ago. LOVES StarWars and dressing up as his favorite Super Heroes. His personality is hard-core energy, but inside that rambunctious body, he’s got a heart of gold. If someone is hurting, he hurts. Something like a “fixer upper”. Mr. Helper.

I desperately wanted something new of him before he starts school. Instead of fighting him to dress in clothes I chose, and forcing him to do what I wanted, I let him be him. It’s goofy, fun and shows every bit of his awesomeness!

I love you Bug! I pray that you never change from who you are<3 Mommy loves you just the way you are!



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